2 more days to go and I'll be off. I wish we were going somewhere else besides K.L cuz K.L is overrated and it is just like Singapore and I am sick of industrialization and pollution and people and dense areas and concrete jungles cuz I'm a sick ass motherfcuking environmentalist in my own form and I would love to be as one with nature. oh..kay..
My spending money was reduced to a S$100 only okay! wat am i suppose to get with a 100 bucks? buy keropok lekor and water? but im feeling soo guilty cuz it's my mom's money. worthless daughter. i should have save up before hand. but i just cant. i am allergic to ishak's. if you know what i mean. Anyways, I'm seriously and desperately finding for a job. From L.V to Starbucks to McDonald's operator (minus the minah outlook), I am contemplating PLUS procrastinating. But NO. SURIANTI, you need to find a job like A ASS A PEE. oh no, i can't believe my heels are very dry and chapping. THIS IS A SIGN OF AGEING!!!
oh, FYI. My eldest brother just dropped the marriage bomb over dinner last night. He is getting married next year. WOW.WEEE!! and he said that he only plans to have kids 10 years down the road. Can i kick his balls please? He'll be freaking 40 lah if he gets his first child and that is damn ass stupid lah. What if he falls ill (selisih) by 50. And his kid will be like 10 years old? Too young to take care of his parents let alone himself. sheesh. But whatever it is, i am excited cuz I'll be getting the room all to myself minus all their belongings which includes a whole section of TRANSFORMERS.(mind you, the eldest is 30 and my second brother is 26.) A LUGGAGE full of ACTION FIGURINES. which I actually intended to try to sell one of them and see how much I can get. HAHA. Their helmets and motor spare parts and their gadgets. Oh, they can leave the PS3 behind. I dont mind. Sigh.. but I'll definately feel the emptiness once they are out from here. The petty bickerings, the name callings, the pao-to(ings).. And I have like 5 years more before I settle down?
Hahaha.. I wanna get my things done first before I get married. My own car, my own savings up to $10 000 or more to get myself ready for any kind of setbacks. AND I wanna travel with Ibu and Abah and let them taste and enjoy my money before I grab hold of my biggest responsibility. INSYA-ALLAH. Cuz what Tok Said asked my brother stil rings in my head when he broke the news that he's getting engaged. Tok Said asked my brother a simple question which left him dumbfounded.
"Dah puas kasi mak bapak makan?" And I dont want be in a position where I cant answer that.